Thursday, February 11, 2016

1000 Books!

We spend most of our Thursday mornings at our local library participating in their weekly Storytime.  Nolan and Livi both enjoy going and we are grateful for the many programs they offer.  Last May, Nolan started the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program and he just finished his thousandth book last week!  (It took about 8 months - which averages 125 books per month, or about 31 books a week, or a little over 4 a day!) It's been fun logging the many books he has read and watching his vocabulary and love of reading blossom.  He is so proud! (Mommy is, too!)

This week was Valentine's week and he got to frost some heart cookies with his buddy, Isaac.  

And by some miracle, I happened to snap a picture of the both of them sitting still after completing their alphabet train puzzle!

Cheers to my favorite little bookworm!  Here's to a lifetime of loving to read and loving to learn!

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