Saturday, February 27, 2016

T-ball and Twirling

Saturday was Nolan's first day of T-ball.  To say it was hilarious was an understatement.  Our son definitely takes after his parents.  At first he was scared and needed us close-by.  He didn't want to run the bases like the other kids and wanted Mommy or Daddy to do it with him.  However, that was preferable to the rest of the practice.  Once he gained a little bit of confidence, he took it upon himself to reinvent the game of T-ball.  While the coach gave directions, he spun in circles.  While the kids were practicing throwing, Nolan collected as many balls as he could and hid them under the orange cones.  While he was supposed to be catching balls, he ran around the gym.

And as the final disagreeable act, our son sat defiantly with his back to his teammates while they all put their hands in for the team cheer.  His marches to the beat of his own drum, that's for sure....

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