Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Sweet baby girl

It's hard to believe that we've been a family of four for almost six months.  Sometimes it still hasn't sunk in completely.  Olivia is growing and changing all the time and it really seems that lately she's becoming such a big girl. I feel such a mix of nostalgia for that teeny, tiny new baby stage she's leaving and excitement for the moving, talking, little person she's growing into.  That first year of life is just so miraculous in all its changes.

She's been playing on the floor a lot more lately, and is very interested in grabbing her toes.  She can roll both front to back and back to front and can hold herself up in the crawling position.  I remember feeling so anxious for Nolan to crawl, but definitely feel a little more dread with Livi, now that I know the level of baby-proofing and supervision required with a mobile tot!

She is starting to sit on her own, still tipping some but very, very close to having that mastered.

She really loves that same loud kicking toy at Grandma Patti's that Nolan adored, and has already spent hours playing and kicking at it.  She played so hard she fell right asleep!

I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to be a mother of a beautiful, loving daughter.  She brings joy to my life every day and I can't wait to see the amazing person she grows into.  

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