Sunday, February 21, 2016

Olivia's 6 months old!

Olivia turned 6 months old on February 7, so we headed over to Katie's house for her to work her photography magic.  Livi was just in her glory - smiling and giggling and flirting with the camera and Katie got some gorgeous shots.  I love how the pictures show her beautiful blue eyes and her adorable personality.  We even got one with her sucking her thumb - which is so HER.  She is sitting on her own now and has two adorable bottom teeth that show whenever she smiles.  Nolan even joined her for some really precious sibling shots.  They just melt my heart.

Look at the beautiful blue eyes on my babies!  I never imagined with how widespread brown eyes are in my family, that I would ever have two blue eyed children!

 Nolan is such a loving and proud big brother.  Every morning, as soon as he hears her wake up, he races in her room to snuggle with her and wish her good morning. He gives her kisses constantly and loves to make her laugh - particularly by making silly noises with his mouth.

I scoured Pinterest a bit to look for some pose ideas and thought we could recreate this teddy bear pose.  Some of these bears were made by Eric's Aunt Jackie for him when he was a little boy.  And the beads Livi is wearing belong to her Grandma Marcia.

This shot took about 5 seconds.  She posed like a model.  I love her cute little dimpled butt! :)

She is a girl of many expressions and I can't get over all her little rolls and the tuft of hair on the top of her head.

And here she is sucking her thumb...

And her toes...

And reading her "Olivia" book...

I mean, I know I biased, but I don't think they come any cuter! :)

I'm so lucky to have such beautiful, happy, and healthy kids!  And I love all these gorgeous pictures of them to remember each of their stages and watch their personalities grow in the coming years.  But with all these amazing photos, I may have to start wallpapering my house with them - I don't know where I'm going to put them all! 

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