The only reason I was able to go on this trip was because of my amazing husband, family, and friends that I knew would take excellent care of my babies while I was gone. I have to admit, I was still VERY nervous. I knew, without a doubt, that my kids would get the very best care. I had no doubts that all of my wonderful helpers would give them lots of love and attention. I was mostly worried about the fact that I had never been away from my kids for more than two nights. Ever. Since I became a mom. And here I was, going to be away for twelve nights. With me being a stay at home mom, my kids rarely have a moment where I'm not around, so I just didn't want them to miss me too much with this gigantic change in their routine.
I left them daily notes, explaining where I was each day and what we would be up to. And they had a lot of fun activities planned. They went to Paul Bunyan's Restaurant up in Minocqua. They played in the sprinkler and swimming pool with Daddy. They spent time at Grandma Patti's house and my good friend, Katie's house, and they did absolutely wonderful. I was even able to call them a few times while I was gone, which was awesome.
When I first told my good friend, Katie, about the possibility of this trip, she enthusiastically encouraged me to go, and offered to watch my kiddos for a couple days, too. I will forever be thankful for this! She also keeps a blog, and left me this sweet post while I was overseas and she was watching my babies.
Dear Mama June 23, 2016
My dear friend Tiffanie is taking a once in a lifetime trip with some very special women in her life. It was not an easy decision for her to make, since it meant leaving her children home for an extended period of time, but one that I am sure she will be glad she made. I have the privilege of helping to watch her children for a few days. This post is for her. ♥
Dear Mama,
We are having a lot of fun while you are away! We miss you but Daddy and his helpers are doing a wonderful job. We are being good and minding our manners! Katie watched us the other day, and you know her. She always has her camera out! We played spies and Nolan was 'Agent Ory'. He loved the glowing spy glasses! We also ninja kicked, swatted at, danced through and raced around the bubble machine. We could do that for hours!
Look at me here, Mom. I am such a big girl eating lunch after my morning nap! I napped really well- for 2 hours even though Daddy forgot my fuzzy blankee at home. (But shhhhhh! Daddy told me not to tell you that! ;) ) Katie had one almost like it and I never knew the difference. Katie told me she secretly wants another baby just like me. I am pretty sure between her and Cassidy and Lucy that my head got kissed almost as many times as you kiss it in a day.
I had fun walking around the yard like a bear and they started calling me 'Livie-Bear'.
Katie fed me well, but I decided for snack that I needed a little fiber.
Katie made sure to give us extra hugs and I heard sweet Nolan tell Katie that he loved her about 15 times. I am pretty sure it made her heart melt. ♥ (I also heard him tell her 'It's happening!' when she told him he could not have fruit snacks because he just had his popsicle... lol!)
We really miss you mom, but we know you are having a great time and will be home soon. We love you so much and can't wait to hear all about your vacation!
I just feel so very, very blessed to have such wonderful friends and family that encouraged me to go on this amazing trip. They were all willing to take on so much extra work in order to let me go and make some memories with my mom, grandma, aunt, and cousin. The kids did absolutely great and I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to have some wonderful travel experiences and make some lasting memories!
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