Monday, October 30, 2017

Auntie Brigid visits

Auntie Brigid wasn't able to attend Nolan's birthday party this year, so she came the following weekend instead.  The kids always love it so much when she visits.  (And I do, too!) We got our first dusting of snow while we was here, so being the great auntie that she is, she offered to take the kids outside to play in it for a while.  We also carved our Halloween pumpkins and roasted pumpkin seeds.  I was happy to have the chance to sneak away with my friend for a few hours for some great conversation, a yummy lunch, and some shopping.  Even a few hours out with a friend can be so rejuvenating in this stage of life, when everything feels like it revolves around the kids.  It's so wonderful to be with someone who knows you so well and has been there for so many different chapters of life.  I just wish she lived closer!  We're grateful for our visit from Auntie Brig and can't wait til the next one!

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