Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Trick or Treat!

Happy Halloween!  With our new super family-friendly neighborhood, we decided to get on the Halloween fun, and go door to door trick-or-treating for the first time.   The high for the day was 30 degrees so I spent a good share of time trying to figure out how to keep everybody warm on our neighborhood walk.  Livi rebelled against her adorable furry tiger costume at the last minute and ended up going as a princess.  But it didn't really matter, as the winter gear covered up any semblance of a costume.  We went with the Lindners and the Wilsons and the kids had a great time running form house to house.  Lot of the houses even gave our full sized candy bars!!

Miles got to go with us too, and he loved every minute of it.  He didn't even mind wearing his shark costume.  He just loved having fun with his kids.

We stopped by Grandma Ruby's for a quick visit and  then headed on to Grandpa Steve and Grandma Patti's house, where Grandma was decked out in her super awesome/creepy Batman mask.  We enjoyed some pizza together and had a wonderful Halloween!

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