Tuesday, October 17, 2017

School Successes!

Nolan has been loving school, and has been excelling at it in nearly every way.  We're so proud of him.  We had our first parent teacher conference last week, and we were glad (and not surprised) to hear that he is far ahead in all areas.  He was supposed to count to ten, and he counted to forty nine, before she stopped him. He is supposed to recognize some letters, and he is writing all of them.  He is supposed to understand the basic outline of a book (title, beginning, end) and he is reading books.  We asked his teacher to see if she can provide some enrichment for him, and she recently started sending him a new book home every day.  He is reading it beautifully, with very little help sounding out the words. We recently attended the 4K Outreach event called Apple Day, and he did such a good job writing the names of all of the people in his family.  His printing is getting clearer and clearer.

As proud of him as we are for all of these academic successes, we are most proud of the kind, mature, and brave boy his is in his classroom.  We received this note in the mail from the special education teacher at his school, congratulating him for being kind to one of his classmates. 

He loves attending school, and hasn't missed a day yet.  We hope his love for school and learning never stops and that he continues to show his teachers and classmates his kindness.  Nolan, we are so proud of you!

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