Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Christmas Recital

On Monday night, my fantastic lesson students presented a beautiful recital.  Every single one of them has grown tremendously throughout the last year.  Most of these girls have played in their churches or at their schools and their skills are improving rapidly.  I even have an adult student this year!  Eric's Aunt Sandy started in September and is doing beautifully!  It has been fun to watch all of their successes - it makes me a proud teacher!

Lessons continue to be a blessing for my family.  It has allowed me the ability to earn some extra income, while still being able to be home with my kids.  But, my lesson families have enriched our lives in more ways than that - we have made lifelong friendships with most of these families.  We have wonderful babysitters in this group that know and love our kids.  We go to church with some of these families.  Within this group of students and their families, we have found a community.  And for that, we are most thankful.

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