Monday, December 11, 2017

Stomach Flu

The night that we got back from Eau Claire, I was so proud.  I finished all of the laundry from our weekend away before bedtime that night.  I knew there were many errands to run on Monday and I wanted a jump start to what would be a busy week.  At about 1 in the morning, Livi came into my room saying she was all wet.  Figuring she spilled some water on her from a leaky sippy cup, I walked back to her room with her to help get her settled and back to sleep.  The second I walked in her room, I knew what she was "all wet" from. The smell of vomit was putrid and it was all over her bed.  I got to work quickly, pulling off layer by layer of her bedding, taking it straight to the washer.  I got new sheets on her bed, got her tucked back in, and went back to sleep.  It wasn't ten minutes before she came back to get me and the process started over again.  I ended up "sleeping" in her bed with her, and the poor little thing puked every 20 minutes for most of the rest of the night.  I felt so bad for her.  The next morning she slept in until 9 and seemed to be feeling better.  By lunchtime, she was ready to eat and seemed to have no lingering effects.  I canceled all of my lessons and we stayed in the house all day, to make sure we didn't spread this awful germ to anyone else.  

But...Wednesday morning I woke up feeling quite nauseous.  Within a few hours I was puking and so weak that I couldn't get out of bed to take care of Livi.  (Nolan was at school.) Eric had to come home to help  and I laid in bed and didn't eat a thing all day.  By about 8:00 that night, I figured I should try to get up for a minute, so I came out to sit on the couch and watch some TV with Eric.  Within a half hour, he was running to the bathroom and making some of the most horrifying/ridiculous sounds I have ever heard anyone make.  While Eric was vomiting and miserable, I heard a cry from Nolan's room - "Mommy!"  I walked in to see Nolan laying on the floor and his entire bed was absolutely coated in vomit.  I got him set up on the couch with a bucket and went to work to get all his bedding stripped off his bed and put in the washing machine.  My poor little son puked every 15 minutes for four hours straight, and then several more times before morning.  I felt so bad for him.  Needless to say, neither of us got any sleep.  

The great mercy in this whole mess is that by the time Eric and Nolan got sick, I was at least able to be upright to help.  I don't know what we would have done if they got it at the same time I did.  It was unbelievably awful.  For the next 5 days, our family could barely get off the couch.  Too much activity resulted in extreme nausea and exhaustion.  None of us was able to eat more than a few bites of "white food" - rice krispies, plain noodles, "cold toast" (Nolan's phrase for bread and butter), or mashed potatoes for many days.  It was absolutely miserable.  I was so glad when we finally started feeling normal again and we could get out of the house.  Being cooped up for a week straight is terrible!

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