Monday, June 25, 2018

Week 25: A place I love

One of the places I love most is the pontoon.  I absolutely adore sitting in the sunshine and cruising down the river, enjoying the beautiful Northwoods landscape all around me.  The kids love it too and it's one place where I rarely need to discipline or even do much to supervise them.  They are completely content to sit in the sunshine, have snacks, and enjoy time with our family.  It is probably our most relaxing family activity, which is why it's one of my favorites!

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Kids Say the Darndest Things...

Olivia: "Mom!!! Mom!! Come quick!! There's a snake in the tree!!"

 I reluctantly and carefully trudge over to the tree and she points to this tiny little caterpillar "snake."

Now that Nolan is a pretty accomplished reader and writer, I've been finding lots of these kinds of notes left around the house...

Nolan (at breakfast): "Mom, I had a dream last night."

Me: "Oh yeah? Want to tell me about it?"

Nolan: "Well....I had a dream that my tentacles fell out of my penis."

Me: *Silent, but confused*

It took me hours to realize that he actually meant his testicles, not tentacles.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Monday, June 18, 2018

Nolan's First Swimming Lesson

Nolan began his first session of swimming lessons this week.  He was so nervous right up until the morning we went, even telling me that he wanted me to cancel them.  But the morning came, and he was so brave - and was even excited!!  He did beautifully in the Level 1 class with Ms Karen, so she moved him up to the Level 2 class for the second day with Ms Rae.  They have been working hard on a variety of skills and by this morning (5 classes in), he was swimming underwater while kicking and moving his arms.  So much progress in such a short time!  We'll continue lessons throughout a good share of the summer - hoping to enhance his confidence, so he can enjoy the lake and swimming pools even more when we go.  Keep up the good work, buddy!

Week 24: Fatherhood

One of my greatest joys in life has been watching my husband become a daddy.  He is selfless, loving, and fun and the kids could not adore him any more.  He and Nolan have such a beautiful bond.  Nolan calls him, "his dude" and they are definitely two peas in a pod.  They find the same things hilarious and share many of the same interests.  Nolan will almost always choose time with his Daddy over his Mommy, though he tries hard to be diplomatic.  I'm so glad they are so close.  Eric and Livi crack me up when they're together.  She puts him through his paces, and is more kitty-cat-like in her affection giving.  (Not altogether unlike her Mommy.)  I'm so proud of the wonderful father that Eric is to our kids.  He always makes his family his number one priority and I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to go through this crazy parenting life with him by my side.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Week 23: Close-up

I can't get enough of my kids' beautiful blue eyes, long eyelashes, and the most adorable freckles on their noses.

Visit with Brigid

I met Brigid sixteen years ago as a scared freshman entering college.  Throughout these many years, she has remained my loyal and dedicated friend.  She was my Maid of Honor, is Olivia's godmother, and is the kind of friend who drives 3+ hours to attend your grandpa's funeral just because she knows it will be a hard day for you.  This beautiful friend came to spend last weekend with us.  It had been WAY too long since her last visit and it was so good to get to have some uninterrupted girl time.  We shopped around town, had lunch, and went on a few other adventures before coming home to movie night with the kiddos.  I have been so blessed to know friendship like this and am so grateful for all she does for our family.  I just wish she lived closer!  

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Spring Recital

Monday evening was our Spring Piano Recital.  I still have ten students, which is just the perfect number, and they are such an amazing group of people.  Each one of them have grown immensely over the past six months and I'm so proud of how they've progressed.  For some reason, at this recital, I was a bit more in my head and had the epiphany that everything that these students knew about the piano, I taught them.  As I see them blossoming and navigating different hand positions, pedaling, new key signatures, playing duets, and so many other things, I felt so proud of the hard work and progress we have made together.  I remember back to each of their first few lessons - when they couldn't identify any notes on the page or on the keys, didn't know what a quarter note was, and could barely get their fingers to cooperate.  Looking at all they have learned made me feel like a good teacher and I can't wait to see what they can achieve next.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Week 22: My love

12 years together...almost 7 as husband and wife...2 kids...and a lot more grey hair...he's still the one that makes me laugh, supports and encourages me, and helps me take myself and life a little less seriously.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Last Day of 4K

It's hard to believe, but today is Nolan's last day of 4K!  It seems like he just started, but when you look at the picture from September to the picture from this morning, it's startling how much he's grown!!!  Not only has he grown taller, but he has soared through his 4K program - excelling socially, emotionally, and academically.  In the past year, he has learned to be away from Mom, play better with classmates, follow the structure of a school classroom, and has even learned to read!  We are so proud of him and can't wait to see what his future holds.  Congrats on completing your first year of school, Nolan!  We love you!