Monday, June 18, 2018

Nolan's First Swimming Lesson

Nolan began his first session of swimming lessons this week.  He was so nervous right up until the morning we went, even telling me that he wanted me to cancel them.  But the morning came, and he was so brave - and was even excited!!  He did beautifully in the Level 1 class with Ms Karen, so she moved him up to the Level 2 class for the second day with Ms Rae.  They have been working hard on a variety of skills and by this morning (5 classes in), he was swimming underwater while kicking and moving his arms.  So much progress in such a short time!  We'll continue lessons throughout a good share of the summer - hoping to enhance his confidence, so he can enjoy the lake and swimming pools even more when we go.  Keep up the good work, buddy!

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