Monday, June 18, 2018

Week 24: Fatherhood

One of my greatest joys in life has been watching my husband become a daddy.  He is selfless, loving, and fun and the kids could not adore him any more.  He and Nolan have such a beautiful bond.  Nolan calls him, "his dude" and they are definitely two peas in a pod.  They find the same things hilarious and share many of the same interests.  Nolan will almost always choose time with his Daddy over his Mommy, though he tries hard to be diplomatic.  I'm so glad they are so close.  Eric and Livi crack me up when they're together.  She puts him through his paces, and is more kitty-cat-like in her affection giving.  (Not altogether unlike her Mommy.)  I'm so proud of the wonderful father that Eric is to our kids.  He always makes his family his number one priority and I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to go through this crazy parenting life with him by my side.

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