Monday, June 11, 2018

Visit with Brigid

I met Brigid sixteen years ago as a scared freshman entering college.  Throughout these many years, she has remained my loyal and dedicated friend.  She was my Maid of Honor, is Olivia's godmother, and is the kind of friend who drives 3+ hours to attend your grandpa's funeral just because she knows it will be a hard day for you.  This beautiful friend came to spend last weekend with us.  It had been WAY too long since her last visit and it was so good to get to have some uninterrupted girl time.  We shopped around town, had lunch, and went on a few other adventures before coming home to movie night with the kiddos.  I have been so blessed to know friendship like this and am so grateful for all she does for our family.  I just wish she lived closer!  

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