Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Back to School Party

The Ory-Lindner's Second Annual Back to School party was at Casa Mexicana this year.  Katie and I had been wanting to take the boys there all summer, to relive the magic from when they were little and we used to go.  The summer went quickly,  and before we knew it school was ready to start, so we decided to take everyone and make a party out of it!  Everyone loved their delicious food and Lucy made some awesome sprinkled filled piñata cupcakes for dessert.  Some days I still can't get over how lucky I am to live across the street from one of my best friends and that our kids are best friends, too.  I overheard this sweet conversation from the boys while we were eating lunch:

Isaac: "Nolan, am I your best friend?"
Nolan: "Of course, buddy!  You were my first friend!"

I hope these two will always stay such good friends.  <3

Monday, August 27, 2018

Horse Show

It has been a long-time dream of mine to have a leadline kid - I've wanted one for like the last 20 years.  I guess it took me having kids of my own to make it happen!  The kids have really taken an interest in the horses this summer.  They have learned the basics of grooming, tacking up, leading, and of course, riding.  Nolan decided he might want to try a horse show this summer, which I was more than happy to oblige.  We headed to Eau Claire on Friday to start the getting ready process, and it's a good thing we did.  Elliot was a dirty, dingy mess.  It was going to take some serious elbow grease to get this grungy old gelding to look like the show horse that he once was.  We started by brushing him and getting the first layer of dirt off.  Then I went after him with the clippers - to say that had been a while was an understatement.  He had big billy goat gruff whiskers and super wooly ears.  I shortened his mane and bit by bit he started to look like the Elliot I used to take to horse shows.

Saturday was bath time.  It took three full shampoos and five people scrubbing to getall the dirt off of him.  I attempted my first banding job in over eight years and am pleased to say it wasn't a disaster.  We put his jammies on and got him tucked in for the night.

When we woke up the morning of the show, Nolan was pretty nervous and wanted me to cancel.  I was able to calm him down and we repeated the mantra, "I am scared, but I am brave." By the time he saw Elliot is his cool "night ninja" pajamas and got to load him in the trailer, the fears subsided and we headed off for Bit & Spur.  When I was showing years ago, Bit & Spur shows were hyper competitive, often featuring 20+ breed show quality horses in a class.  When we arrived, it looked like a ghost town of what it used to be.  There were maybe 25 horses there in total, and mostly 4H level quality.  It made me kind of sad.  

We got Elliot tacked up and Nolan and I donned our duds for our class, but when it came to for Nolan to mount up, he panicked and went into a full out anxiety meltdown.  He did NOT want anyone to watch him, cheer him on, or go in the ring.  He would not get on the horse.  I tried all of my Nolan tricks, but remained unsuccessful.  I told Mom that we should go get Livi ready because it looked like she and I were going in the class instead when Nolan all of a sudden decided that he was gonna go for it.  

He got on his trusty steed and decided things weren't so scary after all.  That is, until the saddle starting slipping.  It slid way back - several inches behind El's withers.  Mom and Annalyse decided to try to pull it forward while Nolan was still on board, but Elliot decided he was NOT having that.  It must have pinched him and he started to balk and back up and looking like he was going to rear up.  Within 10 seconds the whole ordeal was over, but it had rattled our brave little rider.  Big crocodile tears welled up in his eyes, mere moments before the start of his class,  and I made the decision that we were just going to go in because I knew if he got off, he might never get back on again.  Grandma Marcia walked next to him holding his hand, and El was back to the steady, reliable guy that he usually is, and within a few seconds Nolan was smiling again.  Once we were about halfway around, Mom slipped away, leaving just me and Nolan, and surprisingly he had no issue with that.  When the judge asked us to come to the center of the ring to lineup, she told Nolan how very brave he was.  Then she asked him to back his horse and walk him forward again, which Nolan did absolutely flawlessly.  He ended up placing third out of the three horses, almost certainly because Mom walked with him at the start of the class, but he got an amazing prize with a first place trophy, medal, and a bunch of snacks and fun things.  Nolan thinks he won first place, which in my book he did because he soared over so many hurdles to get there.  He was so very brave and I am immeasurably proud of him for beating those many fears.  Congratulations on a job well done, buddy!  And thanks for making one of Mommy's dreams come true - an opportunity to share this love of horses with you!

Week 34: An Inspiration

This passage from this book ("For the Love" by Jen Hatmaker) is one of the more inspiring things I've encountered.  It talks about our many gifts and the plethora of ways we use those gifts to give our life purpose.  This was particularly meaningful to me, whose vocation has taken a few different forms over the past several years.  I felt called to be a teacher and started in the public school classroom.  Life has taken me in a different direction than public school teaching, but my gift of teaching is utilized every day in the interactions with my kids, music students, choir members, and in many other situations.  In using this gift, even though its not in the way I originally intended, I am fulfilling my purpose.  Reading this was like a sigh of relief, especially on those long days home with the kids when I don't always feel like I remember my gifts and purpose.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Cousin Camryn

Following our trip to Milwaukee, Camryn came back with Steve and Patti to stay for the week.  She spent a lot of time at our house, playing Pokémon, much to Nolan's delight.  She also helped us make some pickles with the cucumbers from the greenhouse, and went with us to a movie and out for pizza.  My kids don't have much time with cousins and Camryn is the only cousin that is even remotely close in age, so it was special that they got to have some cousin time with her!

Monday, August 20, 2018


Eric's niece, Kennedy, graduated from college this spring and Brad and his family hosted a party for her in mid-August.  Steve and Patti and our family headed down to Milwaukee for the occasion.  Eric and I haven't been to Milwaukee for quite a few years, so it was fun to see his old stomping grounds from when we first started dating.  We knew we had to take the kids to the Milwaukee Zoo while we were there.  I always love when we get to go to the zoo and love the up-close encounters with the elephants, hippos, and especially, the big cats.  Nolan could not wait to get to the reptile house - I think he gets a kick out of being braver than his Mom, who is more than a little squeamish around the slithery creatures.  Surprisingly, Olivia was apprehensive about a lot of the animals that day.  I think some of the dimly lit buildings overwhelmed her and the animals seemed so big to her.  She did, however, love the giraffes.  Those are always a favorite of hers.  It was a fun day and the kids did a great job with traveling!

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Thirty Six

My hubby turned 36 today.  It's a little hard to believe that we're solidly in our mid-thirties and forty isn't so far away anymore!  Life moves at the speed of light.  We had a pretty low key celebration, as it seems we've been celebrating for weeks, but I made his favorite meal (Pad Thai) and we had his favorite Chocolate Peanut Butter cake.  Because this cake is one of the most delicious things ever, here's the recipe:

Chocolate Cake:

2 cups flour
2 1/2 cups sugar
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup vegetable oil
1 cup sour cream
1 1/2 cups water
2 Tablespoons white vinegar
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Butter the bottoms and sides of 2 9-inch round cakepans.

2. Sift the flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda, and salt in a large bowl.  Whisk to combine well.  Add the oil and sour cream and whisk to blend.  Gradually beat in the water.  Blend in the vinegar and vanilla.  Whisk in eggs and beat until well blended.  Divide batter between prepared cake pans.

3. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.  Let cool in the pans for about 20 minutes.  These cakes are very, very soft.  Put in the freezer for 30 minutes to make them easier to work with.

4.  To frost the cake, place first layer, flat side up, on a cake stand.  Spread 2/3 cup of the Peanut Butter Frosting evenly over the top.  Repet with the next layer and frost the top and sides of the cake with a crumb coat.  Chill 15-30 minutes and then use the remainder of the frosting to create a smooth final coating.  Put back in the fridge to chill once frosted.

5.  To decorate with the Chocolate-Peanut Butter Glaze, simply pour the glze over the top of the cake and spread it evenly over the top just to the edges so that it runs down the sides of the cake in long drips.  Refrigerate uncovered for at least 30 minutes to allow to set completely.

Peanut Butter Frosting:

10 oz cream cheese, room temperature
1 stick butter, room temperature
3 cups powdered sugar
2/3 cup peanut butter

1. In a large bowl, beat the cream cheese and butter until light and fluffy.  Add the powdered sugar one cup at a time, mixing thoroughly after each addition.  Beat 3-4 minutes.

2.  Add the peanut butter and beat until thoroughly blended.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Glaze

8 oz semisweet chocolate, coarsely chopped
3 Tablespoons peanut butter
2 Tablespoons light corn syrup
1/2 cup half and half

1.  In the top of a double boiler, combine chocolate, peanut butter, and corn syrup.  Cook, whisking often, until the chocolate is melted and the mixture is smooth.

2.  Remove from the heat and whisk in the half and half, beating until smooth.  Use while warm.

The kids helped him open a few presents and we had a nice time celebrating the guy who means so much to us.  Eric is such a loving and devoted father and husband.  He works hard to take care of us, is an amazing listener, and makes us laugh every day.  Happy 36th Birthday, honey.  We love you!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Frozen Party

For months, my sweet little girl has been dreaming of her Elsa party and this weekend it finally came!  She had a blast dressing up like Anna and Elsa with her silly grandmas, making stone trolls with her friends, going on a scavenger hunt for prizes, and opening presents.  She lit up like a Christmas tree when it was time for cake and the Happy Birthday song and wasted no time devouring her pink Elsa cupcake.  The party really got going after dinner, when all the kids decided to play out in the front yard with the sprinkler.  They enjoyed snow cones with homemade syrup from the Olaf snow cone machine.  I think Livi (and all the kids) had a great time playing together and that she felt very special to be the birthday girl.  Happy 3rd Birthday, Livi Lu.  We love you!