Monday, August 27, 2018

Week 34: An Inspiration

This passage from this book ("For the Love" by Jen Hatmaker) is one of the more inspiring things I've encountered.  It talks about our many gifts and the plethora of ways we use those gifts to give our life purpose.  This was particularly meaningful to me, whose vocation has taken a few different forms over the past several years.  I felt called to be a teacher and started in the public school classroom.  Life has taken me in a different direction than public school teaching, but my gift of teaching is utilized every day in the interactions with my kids, music students, choir members, and in many other situations.  In using this gift, even though its not in the way I originally intended, I am fulfilling my purpose.  Reading this was like a sigh of relief, especially on those long days home with the kids when I don't always feel like I remember my gifts and purpose.

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