Monday, August 20, 2018


Eric's niece, Kennedy, graduated from college this spring and Brad and his family hosted a party for her in mid-August.  Steve and Patti and our family headed down to Milwaukee for the occasion.  Eric and I haven't been to Milwaukee for quite a few years, so it was fun to see his old stomping grounds from when we first started dating.  We knew we had to take the kids to the Milwaukee Zoo while we were there.  I always love when we get to go to the zoo and love the up-close encounters with the elephants, hippos, and especially, the big cats.  Nolan could not wait to get to the reptile house - I think he gets a kick out of being braver than his Mom, who is more than a little squeamish around the slithery creatures.  Surprisingly, Olivia was apprehensive about a lot of the animals that day.  I think some of the dimly lit buildings overwhelmed her and the animals seemed so big to her.  She did, however, love the giraffes.  Those are always a favorite of hers.  It was a fun day and the kids did a great job with traveling!

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