Sunday, December 9, 2018

Grandma Viv

Eric's Grandma Vivian has been struggling with dementia for many years.  Though she was still living at home when I met her 13 years ago, she was starting to slip in terms of memory and struggled with moments of confusion.  Over the past years, it was no longer safe for her to remain at home as she needed constant supervision, and the decision was made that she would move to a memory-care facility.  She remained there for many years and for most of them, she still lit up when she saw a young child and looked forward to her visits from Steve and the rest of her family.  But as her mind began to fail her more, it became difficult for her to remember her loved ones and her quality of life deteriorated.

Grandma Viv passed away on December 4th.  Per her request, we had a funeral and visitation for her at the Church where she taught Sunday School for many years out in Pelican Lake.  The tiny church was overwhelmed with the number of people that came, including all of Eric's siblings and their families from the Milwaukee area.  It was a simple, meaningful service that I know brought a lot of comfort to Grandpa Frank, Steve, and Uncle Dan.  (Despite our little daughter inappropriately yelling, "Grandma Viv is really dead," repeatedly throughout. She also LOUDLY told me that the first hymn was "Terrible.")

Nolan handled the situation very well.  He remembered the experiences surrounding Grandpa Ralph's funeral this spring, and he was comfortable asking questions and going up to the casket to visit Grandma Viv.  I was so proud of him for following along in the worship aid and hymnal and joining in when he was able.  He is growing up.

Later that evening, the whole Ory family went out to celebrate being together.  We went to Holiday Acres and spent some great time laughing, sharing stories, and enjoying some delicious food.  Though the circumstances were sad, it is always good when the family has a reason to get together.

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