Friday, December 21, 2018

Reader's Theater

Nolan's teacher invited us to his classroom to watch their Reader's Theater presentation of The Gingerbread Boy on the last day before Christmas break.  Nolan played the part of the Narrator and was so focused, articulate, and clear with his reading.  He amazes me constantly with his reading ability.  We are all so proud of him!

After the performance, we were invited to stay and make a gingerbread house with the kids.  Liv and Nolan diligently applied the candy decorations for quite a lengthly period of time, with only one or two squabbles between them.  It was fun to reconnect with many of his classmates that I knew from volunteering in the past.  It was also fun to see Nolan at home in his classroom and the wonderful, kind and popular leader that he is. The kids did a great job and it was a great way to kick off the start of holiday break!

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