Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Week 51: O Christmas Tree

Christmas morning was kind of a magical one this year.  Both the kids slept in until 7:30!  This is unheard of in our house, where our usual wakeup call is the raucous "playing" (see also arguing) of our children sometime around 5am.  Of course, I woke up at 5:30am, and impatiently waited those two LONG hours for my kiddos to wake up and discover the wonder under the tree.  We started the Christmas morning festivities by lighting our Christ candle and the reading of the Christmas story.  The kids then added Baby Jesus to our manger scene (complete with lots of random farm animals - mostly horses - from around the house.)  When it came time for presents, the kids were so gracious and happy - such a change from last year.  I was so proud of them.  Santa brought Nolan some knives for cooking, a Pokémon hat, and a few books, and brought Olivia some princess stamps and a Minnie Mouse Trouble game.

One of my favorite things we did this year was take the kids to the Dollar Store and let them pick out presents for the rest of the family.  They were so proud to give the gifts that they picked out especially for each of us.  Livi announced loudly in the store each time she found something...."MOOOOOMMMM, I got you some nail polish!" Nolan was much sneakier, telling us to "act stupid" if the other parent came by so as to not give anything away.

The favorite gifts this year were Nolan's Pokémon Go game for the Nintendo Switch and Olivia's stable and play horses (that were mine when I was a child).  Both were all smiles, both in giving and receiving.  It was the perfect Christmas morning and it made me so happy to see their joy and gratitude.  Merry Christmas!

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