Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Back to School Party

 Back to School parties began with my Grandma D back when I was a kid.  She invited all 24 of her grandkids to come stay overnight at her house.  We had yard games, a potluck, campfire, dancing, and a hayride.  These days our Back to School parties are a little smaller scale, but ever since we moved to Timber Heights we have done some sort of party to celebrate the end of summer and the start of the school year.  This year, we did ice cream sundaes and I made some special treat bags for each of them to have on their first day of virtual learning.  While they were playing in the backyard after their sundaes, Cassidy found a bird who was not flying away when they got close.  Concerned that it was injured, she caught it in a towel and put it in their animal tote for a closer look.  Fortunately, upon further investigation, we realized it was simply a fledging robin who didn't really know how to fly well yet.  We were able to find a safe place to release it, but they were pretty excited from their up-close wildlife encounter!

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