Saturday, September 19, 2020

Homeschool - Unit One: Harvest



Plum Barbecue Sauce
Graphed favorite kinds of apples
Venn Diagram of flour vs sugar
Made onion rings
Made a Harvest Lap Book


Completed Pokemon addition facts
Worked on Proper Nouns, reading comprehension skills, and is building a character analysis resource for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Made art projects for Grandparents Day
Started piano lessons
ABC Mouse


How many Apples?
Learned applesauce song
Made Apple Man
Made Apple puppet
Finger painted Apple tree
Practiced short a sound
Worked on opposite words
Worked on rhyming words

Started Math Book 
Practicing letter sounds and games - Zingo, Sight Word Swat, and building sight words with tiles and letters
PlayDoh and coloring
ABC Mouse
Made Art Projects for Grandparents Day

Picked apples
Dug Potatoes
Made Applesauce
Grated, labeled and froze zucchini
Made Zucchini Bread
Harvest Meal
Tried many new fruits and vegetables: apricots, dates, beets, spinach, artichoke
Read books and poems about harvest
Talked about different ways of preserving: canning, freezing, drying
Dehydrated apples
Made Play Doh
Apple Stamping
Learned the parts of an apple
Learned new vocabulary: Tablespoon, teaspoon, knead, harvest
Got produce box from food pantry and distributed to neighbors and friends
Made a meal for the Frederick Place
Visited Hansen's Garden Center 
Fall Poems
Picked Grapes
Picked Pumpkins

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