Friday, September 18, 2020

Final Harvest Outings

 After working very hard for the last couple of weeks on our harvest unit, we decided finish it off with a couple of outings.  First, we went to Hanson's Garden Village.  Normally in the fall, we head to Grampa's Farm in Merrill to do all the fall activities and have some fun.  This year, due to Covid, we are choosing to stay closer to home and not be in big crowds.  Hanson's was the perfect choice for that.  We were able to go on a weekday morning and Grandma Patti joined us.  We marveled at the huge variety of pumpkins, gourds, and squash.  We played pumpkin beanbags and bowling, we visited their adorable cows, and we spent lots of time in the corn maze.  Nolan especially loved trying to find all of the different numbered checkpoints.  It was a fun way to get out of the house and enjoy outside!

The other project we did was to make a meal for the local homeless shelter, the Frederick Place.  The kids were really good helpers and became quite the chefs during our harvest unit.  We made cheesy chicken spaghetti, with garlic bread, baby carrots and dip, cookies, and milk.  Livi helped me deliver it to the fifteen residents who live at the Frederick Place.  I'm so proud of them and hope they will always want to help others in our community.  

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