Tuesday, June 7, 2022

South Dakota - Day 7

Day 7 was the first leg of our journey home.  We left our house in Rapid City bright and early in the morning with the plan to stop in Badlands National Park a second time. On the way there we used a different park entrance and didn't make it to the visitor center to get their Junior Ranger badges.  The kids had so much fun earning these along the trip, that it was important to make the stop to get our final badge!  

We didn't stay long and soon we were again on our way to Sioux Falls for a stop at our favorite hotel for some swimming and relaxation.  We had a great night of rest before we headed out the next morning for our last leg of the trip.  The kids did so well in the car and I was so proud of how our family handled this trip.  They made the travel so easy.  We made SO MANY wonderful memories and look forward to making plans for our next great road trip!!

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