Thursday, September 22, 2022

Milwaukee Trip - Milwaukee Zoo

When we found out our niece, Alyssa, was getting married in Milwaukee this fall, we decided to make a trip out of it and take our family to lots of the great places Milwaukee has to offer.  We started our four day adventure with a trip to the Milwaukee Zoo.  Last time we were here was four years ago, when Nolan was 5 and Livi was 2.  It's hard to believe it was so long ago!  One of the perks of homeschool is getting to go to places like this during a weekday when it is virtually empty.  We love getting to tour these places with little to no crowds.  It just makes the experience so much more enjoyable!

We were blown away by getting to be nose to nose with Happy the Hippo.  He was absolutely enormous and getting to be so close was simply spectacular.  We got to see firsthand how his nostrils close when he's underwater and open up like a blowhole to get more air when he surfaces.  It was amazing!

The Zoo also had two new baby giraffes and they were so precious as they were eating leaves off some of the branches in their enclosures.  

We got to see cheetahs, elephants, tapirs, and seals, just to name a few favorites.  It was a great time and a beautiful day!  After we finished, we headed back to the hotel for some pool time.  The kids had fun and wore themselves out, and all snuggled into bed together.  They are so sweet. On to Day Two!


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