Thursday, September 29, 2022

Willodeen Book Party

We celebrated the completion of our book, "Willodeen" with a Book Party out at the cabin.  We started by decorating our nature journals.  The kids really got into this and used stickers, washi tape, and personalized name labels to make their journal their own.

Jessica made beautiful signs for the Willows, the Food Court, and the a Welcome sign for the Faire.  We used the tree in the stair way to make a home for our hummingbears.

We had a yummy lunch of breaded peacock snails (chicken nuggets), Dibby Duck eggs (hard boiled eggs), Aspen sticks, dilly bugs, and slugs (Chex Mix), Duzuu's Blue Willow snacks (blue corn chips), red leaf beetles, sunberries, and sunferns (strawberries, blueberries, and mandarin oranges), Baby Screecher milk (Capri Sun), and Nedwit Poole's Hummingbear Pastries (jelly donuts).  

The highlight of the day was the walk through the woods, recording special things in our nature journals.  The kids did leaf rubbings and sketches to document the beautiful and interesting things they saw.

We loved the book, "Willodeen."  It had some wonderful lessons and was an engaging, sweet story that our whole family connected to.  It was so fun to celebrate the beautiful story with our friends at one of our favorite places!


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