Monday, September 5, 2022

Skunk and Badger

We just finished reading "Skunk and Badger" and decided to do a book party to celebrate!   We set the table with a black and white tablecloth and lots of chickens.  I was excited because I even had chicken linens that I had forgotten about!

We based our menu on one of Skunk's amazing breakfasts in the book.  Eric made delicious strawberry cinnamon muffins and the kids helped prepare our roasted potatoes (with rocket potato in the corner, of course) and scrambled eggs.  We also had cold cereal and cold milk and breakfast hot chocolate as an appetizer while we were waiting for the potatoes to finish.  

 After breakfast, we played the dice game Skunk.  It was super fun and good practice with addition.  We absolutely loved this book, and this party, and look forward to our monthly chapter books this coming year!

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