Miles turns 2 today! In some ways, it's hard to believe that he's only 2, as it seems like he's been with us much longer. In other ways, he's still such a puppy that I feel I'm constantly reminded that he's only 2. He remains to be such a gentle and fun companion for our family, particularly Nolan. He and Nolan have really enjoyed playing together a lot lately, mainly by roughhousing and snuggling. Nolan calls Miles his "best buddy." Miles is so careful with him; Nolan is not very careful, so it's good that Miles is so forgiving.

Miles is still so dorky and one of the strangest animals I've ever been around. His antics continue to amuse us daily, and sometimes I can't believe how ridiculous he is. He chews through plush toys in hours, and will demolish any toys (or anything else - lately it's been notebooks) left on the floor of the family room. He "spider-mans" off the fence, leaping and barking as people go by. It's annoying, but amazing how athletic he is with how high he can jump! He really likes to lay on his back and I often find him in a really odd position with his jowls hanging down, exposing his teeth.
He loves to put his head in my or Eric's lap and look up at us with his sweet and gentle brown eyes, and wait for some petting. Most of the day he spends sleeping, particularly through this cold part of the year.
Though some days are frustrating, I really am grateful to have such a beautiful, loyal, fun-loving, and gentle friend in our sweet Miles. He is such a delight to our kids and an irreplaceable part of our family. Happy 2nd Birthday, buddy!