Saturday, January 30, 2016

Grandpa Jim comes to visit!

Today was a fun day because Grandpa Jim came to visit!  Grandma Marcia was away at a scrapbooking weekend, so he decided to come up for the day.  We spent the majority of the day at the cabin.  Nolan absolutely adores both of his grandpas, so he was so excited to spend the day outside with them.  It was a beautiful day - about 40 degrees - so it was perfect for them to sled and build a snowman.  I was so surprised at how long he wanted to stay outside.  Usually after an hour or so, he's ready to come in.  Today he was out from about 10 until about 2, with only a short break for lunch.

Miles really enjoys his time at the cabin and is so good about sticking around.  He really put on some miles today though, especially when he followed after Steve's truck all the way to the old cabin and back, on top of lapping the cabin and game opening several times.  I'm so glad we have a place to take him where he can run and have fun.

Roxy is going to be 11 this year, but is still sassy with her barking and howling at the shenanigans outside.  She likes to play "king of the mountain" and watch Nolan play.

Livi and I spent most of the time snuggled up in front of the cozy fire - we both even dozed off for a minute!  It was a nice, relaxing time.

 We're glad that Grandpa Jim came to visit and I'm so glad that my kids have such devoted grandparents.  They are pretty lucky to have unique and special relationships with each of their grandparents, and even most of their great-grandparents!  What a fun and relaxing way to spend a Saturday!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Cabin Day!

Today we went out to the cabin for some sledding, snowshoeing, and fun.  Steve and Patti, Tom, Grandma Ruby, Debbie and Rick, Ali and Nick, and the Brice family all came to spend some time together.  Nolan was so excited to wear his Mickey Mouse longies and get dressed up in his winter gear.  He even decided to wear his tie and fedora hat for the occasion!

Nolan was such a big, brave boy and went sledding down the hill all by himself!  He had a blast!

Livi even came outside to join in the fun!

After some outside time, we came inside for some soup and a lively game of Scattergories.  Nolan snuggled up with Ali and Nick and really enjoyed playing with Finn, the Brice's 11 month old.

It was a fun and relaxing day and the kids were so well behaved.  It was so nice to get to have some great family time together.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Happy 2nd Birthday, Miles!

Miles turns 2 today!  In some ways, it's hard to believe that he's only 2, as it seems like he's been with us much longer.  In other ways, he's still such a puppy that I feel I'm constantly reminded that he's only 2.  He remains to be such a gentle and fun companion for our family, particularly Nolan.  He and Nolan have really enjoyed playing together a lot lately, mainly by roughhousing and snuggling.  Nolan calls Miles his "best buddy."  Miles is so careful with him; Nolan is not very careful, so it's good that Miles is so forgiving.

Miles is still so dorky and one of the strangest animals I've ever been around.  His antics continue to amuse us daily, and sometimes I can't believe how ridiculous he is.  He chews through plush toys in hours, and will demolish any toys (or anything else - lately it's been notebooks) left on the floor of the family room.  He "spider-mans" off the fence, leaping and barking as people go by.  It's annoying, but amazing how athletic he is with how high he can jump!  He really likes to lay on his back and I often find him in a really odd position with his jowls hanging down, exposing his teeth.

He loves to put his head in my or Eric's lap and look up at us with his sweet and gentle brown eyes, and wait for some petting.  Most of the day he spends sleeping, particularly through this cold part of the year.

Though some days are frustrating, I really am grateful to have such a beautiful, loyal, fun-loving, and gentle friend in our sweet Miles.  He is such a delight to our kids and an irreplaceable part of our family.  Happy 2nd Birthday, buddy!


Today we took the kids to Holiday Acres to swim.  Nolan was ecstatic, which was a little surprising considering last year he didn't show any interest in the water at all.  He always loves going to Holiday Acres and longingly looks at their pool, but this was the first time we took him to swim.

I was shocked at how fearless he was - even jumping into the pool! It was so fun to watch him having a blast!

"Pinch me, I'm cute!"

The water was pretty cold, so Livi and I were content to snuggle poolside.  She did get dressed for the occasion, in her adorable purple tutu suit from cousin Kristin.

Eric practiced teaching Nolan to float and blow bubbles, and he was getting pretty good at dog paddling with a little help.

It was a fun way to spend the morning together and I'm sure we'll be going back again soon!

Friday, January 22, 2016

"There was a little boy.."

There was a little boy 
who had a little curl
right in the middle of his forehead.
And when he was good
he was very, very good
and when he was bad he was horrid!

Nolan James Clubhouse

It's the Nolan James Clubhouse! Come inside, it's fun inside!

Nolan spent this morning playing in his Clubhouse tent.  He brought his stuffed Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, and My-My to keep him company and spent lots of time in there reading and playing with his spelling tablet.  It's so fun to what his imagination comes up with!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Storytime Shenanigans

Every Thursday Nolan, Olivia, and I head to the library for their Preschooler Storytime.  They have such neat programs there with stories, puppets, songs, and crafts each week for the kids (and parents) to enjoy.  Nolan particularly likes going when his buddy, Isaac, is there to play.  They especially like to work on the big floor puzzles.  Today things got a little crazy when the boys started kicking puzzle pieces across the floor on all fours while screaming and squealing with delight.

Somehow Livi managed to sleep through it all!

We're so grateful the library offers such great services for our kiddos.  Nolan has already read over 900 books in the 1000 books before Kindergarten program.  He just started in May of 2015.  Some of his favorites are the Bear books by Karma Wilson, ANYTHING by Eric Carle, and any other books about animals.  Here's to a lifetime of loving books!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

"Scott the Plumber doesn't go in time outs!"

While I was in the shower today, Nolan dismantled my piano lesson chair, leaving it in two pieces.

"Nolan, please stay away from the chair. It's broken."

"I want to fix it.  I'm Scott the Plumber."

"If you touch the chair again, you are choosing a time out."

"Scott the Plumber doesn't go in time outs!"


Mom Shoe

You know you're the mom of a 3 year old when the bottom of your slipper is encrusted with equal amounts of PlayDoh and stickers...

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Spotted Snuggles

Anyone that's met Miles knows he loves to snuggle, but it was pretty funny to witness during Eric's "nap time" today.  Eric's been a trooper about getting up early with Nolan at 5:30 every morning, but by the mid-afternoon he's usually pretty worn out.  Today he got a little more than he bargained for, when Miles climbed on top of him during his nap.  I came and snuck a picture of the two of them, and didn't think too much of it.

A few minutes later, I hear Eric yelling, "Stop licking me!" from the other room.  I obviously assume the spotted pup has worn out his welcome, but it is in fact, our 3 year old son who is licking him, while the dog lays quietly.

Poor Eric.  It's pretty hard to nap with a 55 pound setter and a 45 pound boy laying on top of you.  I guess time for another cup of coffee!

Brigid comes to visit!

My best friend, Brigid came to town this weekend!  I have been blessed to have such a wonderful best friend for the past 14 years.  I am also blessed that she loves to spend time with my family and that my kids and husband adore her.  She is Livi's godmother and we are so glad when we get to spend time with her.  It was a particularly cold January weekend, so we didn't do much, but had fun just being together.  We spent Friday at our house relaxing, and we got Chinese take out for dinner.  The kids were so happy to see her and received some nice new books from her for a Christmas gift.  Nolan got 4 new Elephant and Piggy books and Livi got a few sweet board books.

Nolan loves spending time reading with Auntie Brigid and constantly asks her to play with him in his reading nook.  It makes me so happy to watch them play together!

On Saturday, we took the kids to the Children's library in the morning, as we missed our normal library day on Thursday because the van wouldn't start.  Nolan made a couple new friends and I was so proud of him for playing so nicely and sharing.

Later on, Brigid and I went back into town to our favorite lunch spot, The Crimson Cafe for a delicious coffee and sandwich.  Then we went shopping at a few favorite spots before we got home to watch the Packer playoff game (which they lost in overtime.)  

Sunday was absolutely bitterly cold and we spent the day playing with the kids and relaxing.  I'm so happy to have such a wonderful friend who I've known through so many chapters of my life.  Here's to many more adventures together!

Legos with Daddy

Nolan got a new "big boy" Lego set for Christmas from Grandpa Jim and Grandma Marcia.  He and Eric have been working on it bit by bit for the last week or so, and finished putting it together tonight.  Nolan loved the cool helicopter and enjoyed playing pretend with it after they finished.  I see more Legos in our future...

Friday, January 15, 2016

Fifty Nifty United States

Nolan got a US map for his 3rd birthday from Grandpa Steve and Grandma Patti.  It's pretty cool because it sticks right to the wall and can be written on with dry erase markers.  Being the little smarty pants that he is, Nolan was interested in learning several of the states and had a blast coloring on the map.

He already knows where Wisconsin and Rhinelander are, as well as California (where Uncle Luke and Auntie Annalyse lives), Florida (where Mickey Mouse lives), Georgia, Alaska, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.  Maybe he can learn them all?!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Snappy Dresser

My son sure is a snappy dresser! He's been picking out his own outfits everyday and this was one of his unprompted creations.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Snow Angels

Nolan and Daddy had a fun time playing in the front yard in the snow this morning.  It was cold, but they were hoping to build a snowman.  Unfortunately the snow was too icy, so they ended up making snow angels instead.