Sunday, January 24, 2016

Cabin Day!

Today we went out to the cabin for some sledding, snowshoeing, and fun.  Steve and Patti, Tom, Grandma Ruby, Debbie and Rick, Ali and Nick, and the Brice family all came to spend some time together.  Nolan was so excited to wear his Mickey Mouse longies and get dressed up in his winter gear.  He even decided to wear his tie and fedora hat for the occasion!

Nolan was such a big, brave boy and went sledding down the hill all by himself!  He had a blast!

Livi even came outside to join in the fun!

After some outside time, we came inside for some soup and a lively game of Scattergories.  Nolan snuggled up with Ali and Nick and really enjoyed playing with Finn, the Brice's 11 month old.

It was a fun and relaxing day and the kids were so well behaved.  It was so nice to get to have some great family time together.

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