Sunday, January 17, 2016

Brigid comes to visit!

My best friend, Brigid came to town this weekend!  I have been blessed to have such a wonderful best friend for the past 14 years.  I am also blessed that she loves to spend time with my family and that my kids and husband adore her.  She is Livi's godmother and we are so glad when we get to spend time with her.  It was a particularly cold January weekend, so we didn't do much, but had fun just being together.  We spent Friday at our house relaxing, and we got Chinese take out for dinner.  The kids were so happy to see her and received some nice new books from her for a Christmas gift.  Nolan got 4 new Elephant and Piggy books and Livi got a few sweet board books.

Nolan loves spending time reading with Auntie Brigid and constantly asks her to play with him in his reading nook.  It makes me so happy to watch them play together!

On Saturday, we took the kids to the Children's library in the morning, as we missed our normal library day on Thursday because the van wouldn't start.  Nolan made a couple new friends and I was so proud of him for playing so nicely and sharing.

Later on, Brigid and I went back into town to our favorite lunch spot, The Crimson Cafe for a delicious coffee and sandwich.  Then we went shopping at a few favorite spots before we got home to watch the Packer playoff game (which they lost in overtime.)  

Sunday was absolutely bitterly cold and we spent the day playing with the kids and relaxing.  I'm so happy to have such a wonderful friend who I've known through so many chapters of my life.  Here's to many more adventures together!

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