Thursday, January 21, 2016

Storytime Shenanigans

Every Thursday Nolan, Olivia, and I head to the library for their Preschooler Storytime.  They have such neat programs there with stories, puppets, songs, and crafts each week for the kids (and parents) to enjoy.  Nolan particularly likes going when his buddy, Isaac, is there to play.  They especially like to work on the big floor puzzles.  Today things got a little crazy when the boys started kicking puzzle pieces across the floor on all fours while screaming and squealing with delight.

Somehow Livi managed to sleep through it all!

We're so grateful the library offers such great services for our kiddos.  Nolan has already read over 900 books in the 1000 books before Kindergarten program.  He just started in May of 2015.  Some of his favorites are the Bear books by Karma Wilson, ANYTHING by Eric Carle, and any other books about animals.  Here's to a lifetime of loving books!

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