Sunday, January 17, 2016

Spotted Snuggles

Anyone that's met Miles knows he loves to snuggle, but it was pretty funny to witness during Eric's "nap time" today.  Eric's been a trooper about getting up early with Nolan at 5:30 every morning, but by the mid-afternoon he's usually pretty worn out.  Today he got a little more than he bargained for, when Miles climbed on top of him during his nap.  I came and snuck a picture of the two of them, and didn't think too much of it.

A few minutes later, I hear Eric yelling, "Stop licking me!" from the other room.  I obviously assume the spotted pup has worn out his welcome, but it is in fact, our 3 year old son who is licking him, while the dog lays quietly.

Poor Eric.  It's pretty hard to nap with a 55 pound setter and a 45 pound boy laying on top of you.  I guess time for another cup of coffee!

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