Thursday, August 11, 2016

Splish Splash!

Yesterday was quite hot at almost 90 degrees and VERY humid.  So, after the kids' nap I drug out the sprinkler, kiddie pool, and a new water table I snagged at a garage sale last week for some water fun in our backyard.  

The kids had a great time splashing in the water.  It's been really fun lately because as Livi is beginning to walk more and more, she and Nolan are really starting to play together.  She toddles all around the yard, splashing the water while Nolan "cannonballs" into the pool.  Miles follows close behind, sometimes even standing over Livi protectively if she stumbles.

Few things are cuter than sweet little baby rolls tucked into a polka dotted swimsuit.  
Olivia's confidence is really soaring with her walking and in just the few weeks since her first step she has improved by leaps and bounds.  Her stance is so wide as she toddles around, getting steadier by the day. My favorite is the huge goofy grin she gets as she toddles toward us.  

After some serious splashing, Nolan requested some ice cream cones.  Livi got to eat her first cone all by herself!

This picture absolutely cracks me up.  It's so indicative of their personalities.  Olivia is confident and self assured.  Nolan is highly sensitive and not always very sure of himself.  It's amazing to see these personality qualities evident at such an early age.  It's such a privilege to be their mother.

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