Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Little Picasso

This week at Storytime, Nolan insisted on making the craft completely on his own.  Every time I offered any advice or input he got mad, so I just let him do his thing.  The bottom picture is the car that they were supposed to make...  Nolan went another route...

Monday, May 29, 2017

Monday, May 22, 2017

Livi's First Ride and Nolan's first lesson

Nolan and I were both so excited to spend some time with the horses while we were in Eau Claire.  Nolan informed me that he planned on riding all by himself, and sure enough, my brave cowboy got right up there.  Elliot patiently responded to Nolan's cues and they both did a great job.  Nolan learned how to go, turn, and stop all on his own.  He just beamed with confidence and I was so proud of him. 


After watching Nolan ride for a good chunk of time, my brave little girl decided it was finally time for her first ride.  She's always been afraid of horses....talking the big talk like she wanted to see them, but every time she got close she would panic.  Not today!  She boldly and assertively marched up to Elliot and demanded, "Or-see, ride!"  We put her up there in the saddle with big brother and she just beamed.  She couldn't stop giggling when Elliot walked.  We'll make a cowgirl out of her yet!

It took a while, but finally the kids were convinced to let Mommy have a turn.  My trusty Elliot carried me around like we had just competed at a show yesterday.  He responded to every cue and we instantly were back to the team we always had been.  He is just such a great horse.  It breaks my heart that he struggles with lameness, because other than that he's pretty much the perfect partner.

After our ride, I spent some time teaching the kids about how to care for a horse and the names of all the tack and equipment.  Nolan was a captive audience and it was so fun to be able to share this part of my life with my kids.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

fairy garden

One of the projects Mom and I wanted to work on this week was making our own fairy gardens.  This idea has been circulating on Pinterest for a while now, and we thought it would be fun.  I found a few delicate plants from Hanson's for Mom and me to share, as well as a few small figurines and rocks to use.  I was also pretty excited to find the perfect old enamelware container at a local resale shop for $2! It was fun to put together, though I was surprised at how quickly the containers filled up!  I'm glad I got to spend some time doing something fun with my Mom - we both love to be creative!  

Of all the mommies in the world...

The other night, Nolan woke up upset so I went in to lay with him and comfort him.  While I was lying there next time him, stroking his hair, he said to me, "Of all the mommies in the world, I'd pick you because you are so sweet."  I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the head and he got a big grin on his face.  I asked, "Why are you so smiley?"  He answered, "Because I love you loving me."

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Eau Claire visit

Eric had to travel to Maine for work last week, so I packed up the kids and Miles and headed to Eau Claire for a few days.  It's always nice to have the chance to go for longer than a weekend as our time always fills up so very quickly.  Great Grandpa Arnie and Great Grandma Edie came to visit the first night we arrived.  Grandpa had been busy picking morel mushrooms and brought us some for dinner. (Morels are extremely plentiful on the home farm under decaying Elm trees.) This was an awesome surprise, because I thought I was going to miss out this year! We hadn't seen Grandma and Grandpa since they left for Florida in January, so it was nice to visit with them and see that they are doing well.

We spent the next few days playing with the horses, doing a little shopping, and went to visit Great Grandma and Grandpa Danzinger.  Grandma was ready to play with the kids and had some fun toys ready for them.  She knows how much Nolan loves playing with balloons and always makes sure she's well stocked.  Grandpa Ralph celebrated his 87th birthday the week prior, and it made me happy to get to see them both doing so well.  It's quite remarkable and beautiful to me to know that my kids have relationships with each of their great grandparents.  We are very fortunate.

Dad took off work early one day and we took the kids down to the Children's Museum. It is such a neat place with three floors of imaginative play.  Nolan especially loved playing bank and sending money through the tube and Livi loved playing at the grocery store.  They even had a cow to milk, a Harry Potter lego sculpture, and a digestive tract to climb through!  They kids had an absolutely wonderful time - I'm sure we'll be heading back when we go back to Eau Claire.  

We had such a nice week together!  It went by quickly and it was action-packed (and certainly tiring) but so nice to spend the time together and to have help with the kids while Eric was away.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Spring recital

Over the past year, my lesson studio has grown quite nicely and it has become a wonderful, fulfilling extra source of income and fun for our family.  Thirteen of my students performed at our Spring Recital on Monday night.  They played a variety of songs - some classics, some pop culture standards, some Disney hits, and a few duets.  They all worked really hard on their pieces and did a great job.  I feel very blessed by these wonderful kids and their families and am so thankful to be able to keep my heart in teaching and earn a little extra money, while being able to be home with my kids.  I don't think it gets much better than that!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day

This year we spent Mother's Day in Rhinelander.  I woke before dawn and despite my tossing and turning, I could NOT get back to sleep.  So I waited until about 5:15, when I knew Nolan would be up for the day, and headed upstairs to wake up Eric so he could set up my Lego Harry Potter Playstation game for me. He was thrilled....but despite the early wake up call, he still made me biscuits and chicken sausage gravy for breakfast - one of my favorites that I can rarely eat anymore because of my allergy to pork.  After breakfast, Eric surprised me with the three books that one of our favorite shows, "Call the Midwife," is based on.  I'm looking forward to reading them!  

Patti thought it would be fun for me to get out of the house for a while without the kids, so instead of a big family brunch, we decided that just the two of us would out for lunch together.  We went to the Crimson Cafe and had a delicious meal, good conversation, and even did a little shopping.  

After lunch, we decided to enjoy the sunshine a bit and head out on the first boat ride of the year.  It was beautiful weather, and the kids were so much easier than last year.  Both were content to sit and eat snacks, making it relaxing for all of us!  

I am so very grateful to be surrounded by strong women who are beautiful examples of motherhood.  My own mother has such a kind and generous heart and cares so deeply for others.  She is a beautiful example to me of strength and grace.  I so feel fortunate to be her child. 

I also feel so very blessed to have found a friend and confidant in my mother-in-law, Patti.  She brings a sense of calm and encouragement to my life.  I am grateful for the many ways she blesses our family.

I celebrate the grandmothers in our family - Edie, Carol, Vivian, and Ruby - who are pillars of faith and love and examples for us all.  

And to my beautiful babies - you fill our home with love, noise, laughter, wildness, and so much joy. You are the greatest blessings in my life.  Thank you for making me a mom! 

Saturday, May 13, 2017


While Patti and I were at Sam's Club on Friday, we came across the most adorable playhouse. The genius marketing scheme had the playhouse fully set up and ready to play in in the store.  We could NOT get the kids to leave.  They were having so much fun. So, a phonecall to Grandpa Steve was made, the back of the van was measured, and pretty soon, with the help of a scrawny Sam's Club employee, the magic folding seats in the van, and a random burly guy who saw our pathetic efforts in the parking lot, we got the playhouse loaded and were on our way.

The box advertised "easy to assemble" so we figured it would be no problem to put together.  When we opened the box, we found these dozens and dozens of pieces and realized it was going to be an all weekend project....

Everyone pitched in....

But after several hours of hard work, a few do-overs, and a drill bit through a thumb (Steve's), the adorable playhouse was assembled!  I can't wait for them to play in it.  I know they are going to have such a great time playing pretend! 

Wausau day

Every few months, Patti and I take the kids down to Wausau for the day.  We usually hit up a few favorite stores - Target, Kohl's, Sam's Club, TJ Maxx - and often squeeze in a haircut appointment and lunch at our favorite, Becca's.  Nolan LOVES our Wausau trips and looks forward to his special time with Mommy and Grandma. Livi tends to get a bit more impatient, but does pretty well considering how little she is. I always enjoy the time spent with Patti, and the opportunity to shop and get out of town for a while!  

Friday, May 12, 2017

Sunshine girl

I couldn't resist snapping a few photos of my girl in her pretty yellow outfit.  Love her so much!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

baseball with GG

Great Grandma Ruby has been wanting to play baseball with Nolan all spring.  Yesterday she brought her ball and bat and decided to try to teach Nolan in the backyard.  Since he's only four, I had to help him a little bit, but with my help he was able to hit the ball.  

Grandma Ruby is 87 years old.  It just astounds me at how young and able she is.  I love that she has a special relationship with my kids and makes time to do fun things with them.  Not many kids can say they got to play baseball with their great grandma!  They are lucky!  She is frugal, opinionated, but most of all generous with her time and her love. She cracks me up when she gets a bee in her bonnet about something - she is well informed and sharp as a tack.  She spends the majority of her time caring and volunteering for others.  I admire her very much and I'm glad my kids have these precious memories with her.  

Saturday, May 6, 2017

bug man

Lately, I've been trying to be a little more environmentally conscious.  Eric makes fun of me and calls me, "Captain Planet," but in all serious I think it's important to be aware of our environmental footprint in this very disposable culture.  Part of that for our family included starting a compost bin.  I drilled holes in a rubbermaid tub and have been putting our fruit and vegetable waste in there to make nutrient dense compost for our garden.  Today we were doing some yard clean up, and I decided to find a new home for my bin now that the weather is nicer.  When I moved it, we found a whole pile of nature's little garbage destroyers....several earthworms, pill bugs, and even a centipede.  Nolan was enthralled with watching all the critters and before I knew it, he was holding them and talking to them.  I love how much he likes to learn!  Right now, his top career choices are an etymologist (bug scientist), paleontologist, or a helicopter pilot!  Dream big, buddy!

Prayer Concert

When Brigid and I were singing a lot in college, we saw each other's families quite often.  The Ryans rarely missed a concert or event, and always treated us to a special meal out before they left town.  Throughout my four years of college, they became almost a second set of parents for me - always supportive and encouraging.  It's been almost six years since I last saw them - at our wedding - and I was so excited to hear they were going to be up in our area for a few days, leading a parish retreat in Tomahawk.  

We were able to meet up on Monday for a few hours.  We took them to US Forestry and showed them around Rhinelander, before we headed to Tula's for lunch.  Unsurprisingly, Nolan took a liking to both Pat and Betsy and talked their ear off...and somehow managed to mow down an adult portion of French Toast, a side of bacon, a chicken tender, and a handful of Livi's french fries.  In true Ryan fashion, they brought us some gifts - some thoughtful and fun books for the kiddos, and Pat's homemade and legendary Irish Soda Bread with some jam. Pat and Betsy now have a grandson, Andrew, and it was so fun to be able to catch up with them after so many years apart.

Pat and Betsy also invited me to sing with the parish choir and their good friend, Fr. Jim Marchionda for the retreat's prayer concert on Wednesday night.  Being a music teacher, choir director, and accompanist, I rarely have the opportunity to just show up and sing.  It was a treat to have to opportunity to stretch my vocal chords a bit, and just sing my heart out on some beautiful music.  It's always good to catch up with old friends, and it made me so happy to get to see these two wonderful people!