Saturday, May 13, 2017


While Patti and I were at Sam's Club on Friday, we came across the most adorable playhouse. The genius marketing scheme had the playhouse fully set up and ready to play in in the store.  We could NOT get the kids to leave.  They were having so much fun. So, a phonecall to Grandpa Steve was made, the back of the van was measured, and pretty soon, with the help of a scrawny Sam's Club employee, the magic folding seats in the van, and a random burly guy who saw our pathetic efforts in the parking lot, we got the playhouse loaded and were on our way.

The box advertised "easy to assemble" so we figured it would be no problem to put together.  When we opened the box, we found these dozens and dozens of pieces and realized it was going to be an all weekend project....

Everyone pitched in....

But after several hours of hard work, a few do-overs, and a drill bit through a thumb (Steve's), the adorable playhouse was assembled!  I can't wait for them to play in it.  I know they are going to have such a great time playing pretend! 

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