Saturday, May 6, 2017

bug man

Lately, I've been trying to be a little more environmentally conscious.  Eric makes fun of me and calls me, "Captain Planet," but in all serious I think it's important to be aware of our environmental footprint in this very disposable culture.  Part of that for our family included starting a compost bin.  I drilled holes in a rubbermaid tub and have been putting our fruit and vegetable waste in there to make nutrient dense compost for our garden.  Today we were doing some yard clean up, and I decided to find a new home for my bin now that the weather is nicer.  When I moved it, we found a whole pile of nature's little garbage destroyers....several earthworms, pill bugs, and even a centipede.  Nolan was enthralled with watching all the critters and before I knew it, he was holding them and talking to them.  I love how much he likes to learn!  Right now, his top career choices are an etymologist (bug scientist), paleontologist, or a helicopter pilot!  Dream big, buddy!

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