This winter has seemed unending. It is cold, snowy, and our family has been sick for what seems like months. A short few weeks after our last bout with croup, Nolan woke up again with that same tell-tale cough. I took him into Urgent Care that morning for a dose of steroids to help get the inflammation down. By the next day, he was doing great - with hardly a cough at all. But, it didn't last long. By Friday he was having coughing fit after coughing fit, and ended up throwing up because he was coughing so hard. I called his doctor and she told me to bring him back to Urgent Care. He got a fresh batch of steroids - this time to bring home with us. After only a couple doses, he was doing much better, but when I put Livi to bed that night she started coughing and it soon became apparent she had the dreaded bug, too. After a week of her cold symptoms not getting better, I took her in to the doctor. She ended up with a double ear infection and antibiotics. Eric and I both had versions of this cold, too. There's nothing quite like being sick yourself and having to wake up multiple times a night with sick kids. What our family really needs is some SUNSHINE and some spring weather! Unfortunately, there's yet another snowstorm in the works for this weekend. Who would think we would get FEET of snow in April!!
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