Monday, April 30, 2018

Dinner and a Movie

Last weekend we headed down to Wausau to meet up with Tom and Sara for dinner and a movie.  Steve and Patti watched the kids for the afternoon and Eric and I were both excited for a little kid-free time away.  We met at Sara's new house and headed to a burger place to grab a bite.  Unfortunately, right as we were finishing up Sara got paged in to work which meant she wouldn't be able to go to the movie with us.  Eric and Tom have been planning on seeing Avengers - Infinity War for months.  The perk of seeing it in Wausau was that we got to watch the two and a half hour feature in Dream Loungers - super cozy and roomy recliners.  No more cramped leg space at the theater!  I was pretty darn content in my recliner with my big tub of popcorn and soda.  And, thanks to Eric making me watch three Avengers movies that week so I wouldn't be confused, I thoroughly enjoyed it AND knew what was going on.  I only wish Sara could have joined us!  We had a great time!

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