Tuesday, April 17, 2018

New Bathroom Floor!

Well, our bathroom project snowballed.  Once the counters looked so good it was a mere matter of days before I had a plan for the floor, paint color, shower curtain, and mirror frame.  I am my father's daughter after all...  Luckily my husband is a good sport when I get in a project frenzy and willingly went to Home Depot with me on Saturday morning to pick out our new tile floor.

I am so proud of how well we worked together on this project.  Eric's measurements were totally right on and each tile fit perfectly in its place.  I did all the cutting, using my sewing cutting mat, straight edge, and utility knife.  It took us about 4 hours once we got all of our materials gathered, the trim off, and the toilet out.  I can't believe how nice it looks. We spent about $70 total on all of our materials for both the floor and the countertops.  We may decide to do a more permanent fix down the road, but in the meantime the hideous pink countertop is gone and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out!

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