Monday, April 16, 2018

Week 15: Black and White

I have seen many blizzards in my 33 years of life, but I have NEVER seen one quite like APRIL!!!  Over the past 3 days, we have gotten nearly 2 feet of snow.  I can see this happening in January, but by April we're supposed to hear birds chirping and see the grass turning green.  All we can see now is white.  I was one of the unlucky few that had to venture out this morning for church.  Eric snowblowed our driveway so I could get the car out, but none of the roads were plowed.  I could hear the snow scraping along the bottom of my car as I slowly and carefully made the 2 mile trek to church.  I couldn't stop at the stop signs or I would've never gotten going again.  There was just so much snow!

On the way back home, I got stuck trying to turn into the driveway and fortunately Eric and some neighbors came to my rescue.  Most of the businesses in town closed for the day (even Kohl's - I can never remember that happening...)  and we were content to stay put for the rest of the day until the storm finally passed.  Here's to hoping it melts quickly because I AM READY FOR SPRING!!!!

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