Monday, August 5, 2019

Eau Claire

We took our annual summer trip to Eau Claire last week.  We covered a lot of ground in the five days we were there.  We went shopping and had a picnic at Carson Park.  Grandpa Jim took them to the Fairfax Pool and they had a great time swimming and going on the water slide.  We spent a lot of time with the horses and Nolan went on the tandem bike with Grandpa.  They played with chalk, blew bubbles, and went on four wheeler rides.  We ended the fabulous week there with a Spirit horse themed birthday party for a very special birthday girl.  Her great grandparents came to celebrate with us too, as well as Uncle Luke, Aunt Annalyse, and Everett.  Olivia felt very special, and it was so fun to celebrate together.  It was a great week!

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