Sunday, August 4, 2019

Livi & Grandma's First Horseshow

Part of Livi's birthday celebration was the chance show in her first leadline class on Booker.  We thought we'd use that opportunity to get Mom in the ring too.  It was a super hot, super muggy, super buggy day.  We were all almost out of energy before the classes even started, but we pushed through.  Mom showed in Halter and had a very nice showmanship pattern.  When it was time for the English class, Booker wasn't the most cooperative.  He was acting really fresh, despite having lunged her earlier that morning.  We decided to scratch the next class and let him chill at the trailer for a little bit.
He seemed to be much better behaved after his break, so we got ready for Livi's leadline class.  She was so excited to have a matching outfit with me.  She grinned from ear to ear through the whole class and sat up nice and tall.  When the judge came to ask her some questions, she really let her personality come through.  She said her name was "Olivia" and her horse's name was "Booger."  She told the judge that her horse was a BIG, BIG Booger and that it was birthday present to get to be at the horse show.  She managed to charm the judge into a first place ribbon.  I was really proud of her. I hope she'll want to do more of these - I'm pretty confident she will!

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