Sunday, June 20, 2021

Bit and Spur Horse Show


Mom started her show season with Bindy last weekend, having great success and winning Reserve High Point!  Bindy has been such a good horse for her.  She is calm, level headed, uncomplicated, and honest.  I am so happy that Mom is having fun and success with her.  We decided to head to Bit and Spur this weekend, so we could cheer her on.  A bonus was that Olivia could compete in the leadline class!  Mom did great, placing at or near the top in almost every class.  Bindy handled the show like she's done it a million times and Mom rode her so well.  Olivia did a great job too, winning second place in her big leadline class.  Livi also made a friend and had a blast playing on the teeter-totter with her.  It was a fun day for a horse show and can't wait to cheer on Team Bindy at the next one!

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