Monday, June 14, 2021

Boom Lake

 While Eric was gone to the Twin Cities to visit his friend, Ray, I was getting a little stir-crazy, so we decided to go swim at Tom and Sara's house on Saturday afternoon.  I was intimidated at first about watching all three kids in the water, but was pleasantly surprised at how smoothly it all went.  Simon ran quickly into the water, fell down, and got a face full of it, which turned out to be a blessing.  He was no longer quite so reckless about the water and gained a little healthy fear of it, which was a relief.  The big kids did beautifully in the water and had a blast swimming and splashing around.  

Eric got home the next morning and we decided to take the kids on the boat in the afternoon.  It was a beautiful day and the whole family loves being on the pontoon.  It is one of my favorite things to do with my family!  I'm looking forward to a wonderful summer of lots of time on the water!

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