Saturday, June 26, 2021

Trip to the UP

Somehow, despite living less than an hour from the UP, I've never been to Michigan and neither have the kids!   We decided to cross a few things off of the bucket list today and take a day trip to explore.  We started with a trip to Little Girl's Point on Lake Superior.  It was an absolutely beautiful lookout, with a campground, playground, and picnic spot up above, and miles of rocky coastline to explore.  The kids loved throwing rocks into the water.  We were in awe at how clear the water was and just how vast it is.  It was a very calm day - as calm as I've ever seen Lake Superior and just so very tranquil and peaceful.  The kids had a blast playing on the playground while we got our picnic set up and we enjoyed a lunch overlooking the lake.  It was such a remote and beautiful place to visit!  I'm sure we'll be back.

Next on our trip was Agate Falls.  This was a smaller water fall, not too far from Bond Falls.  It's amazing to me how loud a waterfall can be.  The second we got out of the car, we could hear the water rushing.  There was a short walk on the boardwalk to the falls and they were beautiful.

Our final stop of the day was Bond Falls.  It was so much more than I imagined.  There was a beautiful path all around the many falls, including a rocky staircase so close to the falls that you got sprayed with water!  We explored from all the different angles and even caught the glimpse of a little garter snake sunning himself on a nearby stump.  It was a bit challenging to manage Simon, as much of the trail was not stroller friendly, and he wanted to run to the water.  Because of this, we left a little earlier than if we had just come with the big kids, but we had a wonderful time and can't wait to explore it again.  The UP was so beautiful and the kids did SO well in the car on our road trip.  I was really proud of them and all of us and can't wait until our next family adventure!

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