Tuesday, June 24, 2014

4 generation weekend

While the boys went to Canada on their annual fishing trip, my Mom and Grandma headed up north to Rhinelander to spend the weekend with Nolan and me.  We mostly relaxed, did a little shopping, took a nice walk, and before we knew it, it was time for them to head home.   It was pretty special to have 4 generations gathered and Nolan sure liked having his grandmas here!

Uncle Luke is home!

In mid-June we headed to Eau Claire because Uncle Luke was coming home for a visit!  We haven't seen him since Christmas so we were so excited to spend a little time with him!  Unfortunately his flight was delayed due to storms in Minneapolis, so he didn't get in until much later than he expected on Saturday night.  The next day was Father's Day and we enjoyed getting to celebrate together with our Dad.

Here's Nolan sitting in Grandpa's boat.  He spent a good share of the day "driving."

We got Dad a new Weber grill for Father's Day.  Here are Luke and Nolan having a post-assembly snack.
 Say, "Cheese!"

The next day Mom, Luke, Nolan and I went to the park.  Nolan really enjoyed swinging with both Grandma and Luke.

With so much swinging, Nolan worked up a hearty appetite. 
 Selfie, level expert! :)
Brother and sister

Nolan kept us all entertained with his antics.  Here he was putting Big Bird "nigh-night" on the coffee table.

Nolan loves his Uncle Luke and it was so great to get to spend a few precious days together.

Hanging out with my boys

I'm a pretty lucky mom to get to spend my days with such a sweet, funny little boy and a goofy, lovable puppy.  Here are just a few pictures of my boys and me finally enjoying our spring/summer weather!

First ice cream and a swim at the lake

My poor little child has been deprived of all things dairy since we discovered his severe food intolerance when he was about two months old.  Bit by bit, we have been slowly introducing it so that he can partake in all the joys of being a Wisconsin kid.  Finally I was feeling brave enough to take the plunge and took him to Jet's Dairy Bar downtown for his first ice cream cone.  The pictures say it all:

If that isn't childhood bliss, I don't know what is. 

We thought we'd try to tackle a family selfie, which didn't turn out too terribly...until we added the dog haha.

It was fun to share this "first" with Nolan and look forward to many more yummy summer treats!

After our ice cream, we headed over to Uncle Tom's for some swimming and a boat ride.  Nolan wasn't afraid of the water at all and had a great time wading and splashing around. 

 Little man on the move!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Water fun!

On one of the hot, sticky Friday nights, we brought out Nolan's pool so he could splash around.  He ended up loving it, but not nearly as much as he loved squirting the hose.  He would spray it while Miles jumped in it and Nolan would sneak a drink every once in a while.  It was a blast to watch them having so much fun!

Trip to Eau Claire and Irvine Park

We headed to Eau Claire to visit Grandma and Grandpa over Memorial weekend.  Annalyse was also home for a few days, so we were excited to see her, too!

On Saturday morning we went to Irvine Park to check out the animals.  It was rather hot, so the animals weren't all that active, though Nolan was able to get face to face with the tiger. 

Nolan was also fascinated by the horses at Grandma and Grandpa's and wanted to spend most of his day in the barn.  He also got a major kick out of opening and closing the stall doors and calling "Di-di" while clucking and slapping his leg.  Funny boy.

It was a fun weekend and Nolan sure was worn out for the trip home!

Our crazy family

Couldn't resist a few crazy family pics.  This one encompasses my life perfectly:

Nolan got a kick out of our silly face selfies.

Even the dog got in on it!

Puppy's growing up!

Our sweet puppy is getting big!

He loves Roxy.  She's not impressed.

The best of friends.


Crusin' and Family picnic

I found this Jeep powerwheels on a Rummage Sale site and Nolan has loved cruising around the yard in it.  He thinks he looks pretty cool, especially with his sunglasses. 

Mommy and Nolan selfie!

We got our dinner from Culver's and enjoyed our first picnic of the year in our backyard.  Yum, yum!

My boys! :)

Fence Building and Fun with Grandpa!

In mid-May we began our backyard fence building project in earnest.  My dad came up for the weekend to help set the posts and get the stringers set.  He had a little helper...

Relaxing with his grandpas after a long day of building fence!

Grandpa and Grandma Ory got Nolan a new picnic table, complete with umbrella.  Nolan thought it was pretty cool!

Back to work!

After a long weekend of hard work, we went to the playground for some fun!