Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Uncle Luke is home!

In mid-June we headed to Eau Claire because Uncle Luke was coming home for a visit!  We haven't seen him since Christmas so we were so excited to spend a little time with him!  Unfortunately his flight was delayed due to storms in Minneapolis, so he didn't get in until much later than he expected on Saturday night.  The next day was Father's Day and we enjoyed getting to celebrate together with our Dad.

Here's Nolan sitting in Grandpa's boat.  He spent a good share of the day "driving."

We got Dad a new Weber grill for Father's Day.  Here are Luke and Nolan having a post-assembly snack.
 Say, "Cheese!"

The next day Mom, Luke, Nolan and I went to the park.  Nolan really enjoyed swinging with both Grandma and Luke.

With so much swinging, Nolan worked up a hearty appetite. 
 Selfie, level expert! :)
Brother and sister

Nolan kept us all entertained with his antics.  Here he was putting Big Bird "nigh-night" on the coffee table.

Nolan loves his Uncle Luke and it was so great to get to spend a few precious days together.

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