Tuesday, June 24, 2014

First ice cream and a swim at the lake

My poor little child has been deprived of all things dairy since we discovered his severe food intolerance when he was about two months old.  Bit by bit, we have been slowly introducing it so that he can partake in all the joys of being a Wisconsin kid.  Finally I was feeling brave enough to take the plunge and took him to Jet's Dairy Bar downtown for his first ice cream cone.  The pictures say it all:

If that isn't childhood bliss, I don't know what is. 

We thought we'd try to tackle a family selfie, which didn't turn out too terribly...until we added the dog haha.

It was fun to share this "first" with Nolan and look forward to many more yummy summer treats!

After our ice cream, we headed over to Uncle Tom's for some swimming and a boat ride.  Nolan wasn't afraid of the water at all and had a great time wading and splashing around. 

 Little man on the move!

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