Monday, June 23, 2014

A visit to Eau Claire

While Mom and Dad went to California to spend some time with Lucas and Annalyse,  Nolan, Miles, and I went to Eau Claire to housesit and take care of the horses.  Nolan was really anxious the ring the doorbell, but when he realized that Grandma and Grandpa weren't there, he got a bit pouty.

We went on a few walks, visited with the horses, and stayed busy with our daily routine.  Everything went smoothly...that is, until bath time.  I literally turned my back on him for a second - just long enough to get the bath toys.  When I turned back around, little stinker was in the tub, fully clothed and lapping up the water. 
The day we went to Durand to visit Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Danzinger.  We went to Lone Pine Bar for a fish fry lunch and had fun visiting and playing together!

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