Monday, June 23, 2014

New puppy

Eric and I have been casually talking about getting a dog for years.  But, we've always found a reason not to pull the trigger - too messy, too much work, too expensive, etc.  We're finally taking the plunge!  I called Maggie and Reggie's breeder and she happened to have just had two litters of Setter pups that would be available in mid-March.  We were definitely hoping to wait until nicer weather to bring our puppy home, but went ahead and put our name on the list for a little boy puppy. 

Here is our puppy's momma, Jade. 
Our little guy is the one staring straight at the camera on the right hand side.  He has a little spot on his right ear. 

Look at that sweet face!
It was finally our turn to pick our puppy and we ended up choosing him from the picture below.  We thought he had such a pretty head and nice long ears!

Now to pick a name!  We really struggled with coming up with the perfect name for our little guy.  We wanted something that would be clever with his registered name, too.  We finally settled on Fireside Kind of Blue, aka Miles, after the great Miles Davis and his very famous album entitled Kind of Blue.  It was a nod to our shared love of music, as well as a his beautiful blue belton color. Here he is at 6 weeks:

Look at those spots coming through!  Here he is at 7 weeks:

And here is the last picture we got from Peggy before it was time to bring him home! 

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